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Advice & Tips

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how to build a stacked cake

Published date: 05/08/2020 16:10

A stacked cake is a design where cakes are positioned directly on top of each other, as opposed to using pillars/dowels for support. For any multi tiered cake, whether wedding or celebration, this is a very popular design.

what is rejuvenator spirit?

Published date: 05/08/2020 15:26

Rejuvenator Spirit (isopropyl alcohol) is a clear food grade 99.9% proof edible alcohol, which has many uses in cake decorating. It is available in convenient droplet bottles of 14ml, and is suitable for vegetarians as well as being gluten free. So handy to keep in your toolbox!

how to adapt a recipe for different sized tins?

Published date: 05/08/2020 15:14

This table uses the 8” round tin as its base and will help with round and square shapes. For any other shape, fill your 8” round with water to the depth required, then tip that water into the shaped tin and you will be able to compare the quantities and adjust accordingly .

baking cases explained

Published date: 05/08/2020 14:24

With such a huge choice of Baking Cases currently on the market, how do you decide which to use? Baking Cases have been enjoying unparalleled popularity for several years now, and this looks set to continue for some time to come.

1 2 3 4 18 Results