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Five Best Easter Baking Ideas

Published date: 19/03/2021 12:02

We’ve put together a handy blog to explore the best Easter baking ideas to make your seasonal baking go with a hop, skip and jump. Whether you have kids around the house or not, a traditional chocolate egg is always a joy. But have you ever thought about foregoing the shop bought variety and making your own Easter treats?

How to start a cake business from home - Part Two

Published date: 04/03/2021 11:55

If you read my last post about starting a cake business from home, you’ll know that there are several steps you need to take BEFORE you start trading in order to stay within the law. But now you’ve done all that, in Part 2 it’s time for the fun and creative side of starting a baking business – hooray!

Top five baking and decorating items for your Christmas list

Published date: 07/12/2020 09:07

“I promise I’ve been good this year. And with that in mind, could I please ask for…” What does your cake decorating wish list look like this year? Have you compiled a list of the top equipment and tools for the big man to drop down your chimney on Christmas day? Here at The Craft Company, we’ve asked around and compiled a list of the top five items that all the cool cake kids are asking for this year. There’s something for every budget so no one needs to miss out. Want to know more? Let’s dive straight in.

Simple Christmas Cake Decorations To Make Life Easier

Published date: 01/12/2020 13:41

When it comes to decorating the Christmas cake, sometimes simple is best. With a growing list of chores and tasks to complete before the big day, why not go simple on one of the projects? After all, it’s no less effective that way.

Celebrating During Lockdown

Published date: 30/09/2020 09:25

OK, so one thing that never stops during lockdown is the inevitable rolling around of the calendar – which means birthdays, anniversaries, special dates. But does that mean we have to forget about these special dates and not celebrate them? Of course not!

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