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Baking with the kids

Published date: 14/09/2020 21:19

Baking with kids is one of the most rewarding and worthwhile activities families can engage in – particularly on those oh-too-frequent bad weather days.

Which Lockdown Baker Were You?

Published date: 14/09/2020 12:03

As lockdown has mostly eased away (hopefully!) The Craft Company team has been reflecting on the past six months and how a nation’s baking habits have changed in response to unprecedented times. While many people were furloughed and took on lockdown projects, there were also many who had to take on the challenge of home learning with the kids and working from home at the same time.

5 trending colour splash gel collections

Published date: 31/07/2020 15:19

Our range of Colour Splash food colouring gels are sure to transform plain cakes into bright, eye-catching creations! With a selection 29 individual colours and 19 bundles to choose from, suitable to colour sugar paste, royal icing, buttercream, cake mix and so much more. These highly concentrated gels add instant colour and come in easy-to-use squeezy tubes, perfect for cake decorators of all skill levels. Listed below are just a few of the inspirational food colouring collection cards we’ve created to match trending cake designs.

Using food colouring powders to make a Colour Splash!

Published date: 31/07/2020 14:26

Cake decorating is all about getting creative and having a bit of fun so, with this in mind, Colour Splash have now brought out a brand new selection of food colouring powders to add to their colourful range. With 45 different shades to choose from in pearl, matt or metallic finishes these popular dusts are perfect for making cakes for absolutely any occasion!

Cupcake Cases – The Home Test!

Published date: 31/07/2020 12:30

With so many choices for cupcake cases out there, it can be hard to know which one is best. To help fellow cupcake enthusiasts along, I thought I’d try something a little different this week and put some of our cases to the test.

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