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Bright and colourful baking with Colour Splash Gels

Published date: 29/07/2020 16:55

Colourful cakes are a great way to celebrate all sorts of happy occasions, from birthdays to special celebrations. Colour Splash’s range of food colouring gels is perfect for bakers and cake decorators on the look-out for a fun and easy way to add colour to their creations.

easter baking with kids

Published date: 28/07/2020 15:09

The Easter holidays are a great time to get the kids involved in a bit of colourful baking. Not every recipe out there is suitable for small hands so we’ve put together some fun ideas that your little ones will be easily be able to help out with this Easter.

3 ways to use the colour splash dusts

Published date: 28/07/2020 14:01

Colour Splash’s food colouring dusts are concentrated pigment colours that are the perfect way to add fun, vibrancy and style to your creations. Available in over 45 shades with pearl, matt or metallic finishes, these versatile food colourings can be used by cake decorators of all skill levels to colour their cakes, icings and decorations quickly and easily, ready for any occasion.

using our colour mixing chart to capture the perfect shade!

Published date: 28/07/2020 13:10

The perfect icing colour can take a cake from really good to really great, but tracking it down in stores can be a tricky task. However, the good news is that we’ve created a pretty fabulous colour mixing chart to help you achieve just about any colour you could possibly want.

Cake Decorating FAQ: Your Questions Answered!

Published date: 16/01/2020 14:45

We receive a lot of questions from our customers about the ins and outs of cake decorating so, for this week’s blog, we thought we would answer the most the frequently asked baking and cake making questions. If you’re new to cake decorating, this is the perfect opportunity to brush up on your knowledge and learn a new thing or two about how you can make life in the kitchen a lot easier 🙂

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