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Create delicious homemade Easter eggs with a splash of colour following our simple step by step guide.


For this, we used:

Prepare The Chocolate:

Temper the chocolate. Always do this before using for Easter Eggs. This will ensure a hard shine on the surface and stops ‘blooming’. Although not essential, a thermometer will give guaranteed, accurate results when tempering.

Top Tips:

Use plastic bowls which do not retain the heat when tempering. Wash and dry the moulds thoroughly.

Polish moulds with a clean cloth before use. The more they are polished, the more gloss on the chocolate!

To Make The Eggs:

Pour or brush the tempered, melted chocolate evenly onto the inside surface of the mould and place upside down on parchment paper in fridge for 10 minutes to set. Repeat this until you have at least 3 layers and a reasonable even thickness. Take care to neaten the edges for each layer.

When both halves have set completely, remove from moulds carefully. Fix halves together by melting the edges of both halves on a hot surface.

Top Tip: Use cotton gloves to handle. This will prevent finger marks.

This method will make plain, chocolate eggs, but there are numerous ways to do a splash of colour to them, remembering one important factor. When mixing colour into white chocolate, always use powders or oil based colours. Do not use pastes/gels as these are water based and will ‘seize’ the chocolate. To paint onto chocolate successfully, and to guarantee a good result, mix powder colours with melted cocoa butter. You may, however, use rejuvenator spirit if wished.

To Add Colour To Your Eggs - After:

Spray or flick Colour Splash edible paints onto egg with a brush, or a toothbrush (bought for this purpose only!). This will give a bright abstract design which children will love. In fact recruit them to do it for you!

Brush dry lustre powders onto the egg. For example, gold, copper, ruby, raspberry etc. all look amazing on a milk chocolate egg.  Brush on at random or be more specific and brush in stripes.

To Add Colour To Your Eggs - Before:

Spray or flick lustre colours mixed with cocoa butter onto the mould before adding melted chocolate.
Paint on lustre powders mixed with cocoa butter, at random over the mould, then add melted chocolate.
Colour white chocolate with powder colours, mixed in well. Keep to one/two colours or make a marbled effect with a variety of colours.
Spray or flick gold/silver lustre powder mixed with cocoa butter, onto mould first, then add coloured chocolate.
Combine any of the above, such as brushing lustres onto mould first, then after egg has set, adding in more detail by brushing on top as well.
Paint pictures onto egg with edible paints.
Having added colour to the eggs, finish with matching decorations such as flowers, butterflies, Easter cake toppers etc.  These can be made, and painted or brushed to match.



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